AcknowledgementsDedication for Rahman Baba's poetryI would like to thank my wife Memoona for her unwavering support in setting up and maintaining this web site. I would also like to thank Mr. Izaz Ahmad jan for working on the audio files of the Diwan, which will be added in near future to this web site. We would like to thank Momim Kahn and Robert Sampson, co-authors of recent English translation of The Poetry of Rahman Baba, for their assistance in making the original Pashto poetry available on this site. Robert Sampson is a teacher at Edwardes College, Peshawar. The creators of this web site are deeply indebted to Mr. Robert Sampson and Momin Khan for allowing us to use material from their book "The poetry of Rahman Baba" published January 2005. We are also thankful to Kirtas Technologies Inc. for help with the scanning of the material. |